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Victorian Men's
Boots/Shoes Website of the Leavey Foundation for Historic Preservation, Inc. dba AzRA Historical Resources and AZRA

Victorian Shirts & Detachable Collars

for: Jacksonian Era, Dickens, Mexican War, Antebellum,
American Civil War (Confederate / CS / CSA & Union / US / USA),
Golden Age, Gay 90s and Old West

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Page Last Updated:
Friday, 15-Mar-2024 13:34:49 MST
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    We have a selection of 19th Century (1800s) dress shirts in both collared and collarless versions, along with detachable collars for the collarless shirts.

Everyday Shirts: We have reproduction shirts for the Victorian period (pull-over, drop shoulder and gussets) including the Early Victorian, American Civil War and the Late Victorian period (full button front, on shoulder and no gussets). The come in a variety of colors and styles. The collarless versions come with a banded collar with button / stud holes for attaching replaceable collars.

Dress Shirts: We also have reproduction dress shirts for the Victorian period (pull-over, drop shoulder and gussets) including the Early Victorian, American Civil War and the Late Victorian period (full button front, on shoulder and no gussets). The collarless versions come with a banded collar with button / stud holes for attaching replaceable collars.

Collars: Our detachable collars are available in "Stand-Up", "Pointed Lay-Down", "Rounded Lay-Down" and "Wing Tip" styles and come in "Linene", "Celluloid" and "Cotton" materials. Detachable collars were first used in the 1820's.

Everyday Shirts, 1850's & 1860's M1852 Shirt Pull-Over Shirts, 1870's on
Dress Shirts, 1850's & 1860's Linen or Cotton Detachable Collars  
You may also be interested in our Victorian Dress Civilian Shirt page. Click Here.


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11/11/2020 NOTE: We are trying to get things restarted, but is taking time.
Medical Issues are still a problem and have been for some time. I am
going to have to cut back on products as we run out of slow moving items.
Call before ordering if you want to see where we are.

A Computer Crash lost orders made prior to 2/10/2018.

1860's Period Shirts (Solid, Print, Check, Ticking & Checkerpane)

Item Last Updated: Friday, 15-Mar-2024 13:46:47 MST

Civilain Shirt in Muslin - Bleached or Unbleached, 19th Century (1800s) Men's Clothing
    We have several different colors and styles of shirts available, all featuring the drop shoulder pattern, with gathered sleeves and cuff and the placket front. Three Mother of Pearl buttons on the front, with one on each cuff. Comes standard with the stand and fall collar (as shown).

    This REPRODUCTION Clothing item is Made in the USA. This a quality reproduction item made as close as is modernly possible. Sewing is done by machine to keep costs down (except where hand sewing is required) and most do not show externally. Some items offer hand sewing on exposed stitching (such as buttonholes) for an additional cost.

    Pictures of the item on this page are pictures of the item we sold. All pictures of items we sell are Copyrighted, either by us or our supplier of the item.

    This is not a costume that is made using modern construction or components that did not exist during the time of its original usage (IE: zippers, etc.). Beware of fakes, especially ones using images stolen from this site (Copyright Infringement).

These items are
Made in USA
Made in USA

    Available in Natural Muslin, Bleached Muslin, Red Cotton Flannel, Calico Prints, Blue Check and Red Check.

    We normally stock the Un-Bleached and Bleached Muslin in all sizes. The others are ordered as needed and can take 2 to 10 weeks for you to receive them, depending on my suppliers stock.

1860's Period Shirts (Solid, Print, Check, Ticking & Checkerpane)

Civilain Shirt in Muslin - Bleached or Unbleached, 19th Century (1800s) Men's Clothing
Civilian Bib-Front / Fireman's Shirt in Red, 19th Century (1800s) Clothing
Fireman's - Red
Civilian Shirt in Tick Stripe, 19th Century (1800s) Clothing
Tick Stripe
Civilian Shirt in Red Print, 19th Century (1800s) Clothing
Civilian Shirt in Red Check, 19th Century (1800s) Clothing
Check - Red
Civilian Shirt in Blue Check, 19th Century (1800s) Clothing
Check - Blue
Color representations are not exact, they are affected by
camera exposure, image software and monitors.

Solid Color (Unbleached, White and Red)

  1. Check, by clicking, the box Selection Box for each item and size wanted.
  2. Update the quantity if you want more than 1.
  3. When done selecting any/all items, click the "Put these items in my cart!" button.
Item: Shirt size chart Small
Natural / UnBleached Muslin Material Civilian Shirt in unbleached muslin, 19th Century (1800s) Clothing Unbleached Muslin Shirt 
@ $59.00

@ $59.00

@ $65.00

@ $65.00

@ $69.00

@ $75.00
White / Bleached Muslin Material Bleached Muslin Shirt
@ $59.00

@ $59.00

@ $65.00

@ $65.00

@ $69.00

@ $75.00
Red Cotton Flannel Shirt Red Cotton Flannel Shirt
(NO Bib)

@ $69.00

@ $69.00

@ $75.00

@ $75.00

@ $79.00

@ $85.00
Bib Front Fireman's Shirt in Red, 19th Century (1800s) Clothing Red Bib Front / Fireman's Shirt
@ $79.00

@ $79.00

@ $85.00

@ $85.00

@ $89.00

@ $95.00
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Bib or Shield Front Shirts

  1. Check, by clicking, the box Selection Box for each item and size wanted.
  2. Update the quantity if you want more than 1.
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Item: Shirt size chart Small
Civilian Bib Front Shirt in navy cotton, 19th Century (1800s) Clothing Navy Blue Cotton
Bib Front Shirt

@ $79.00

@ $79.00

@ $85.00

@ $85.00

@ $89.00
Civilian Bib Front Shirt in grey cotton, 19th Century (1800s) Clothing Grey Cotton
Bib Front Shirt

@ $79.00

@ $79.00

@ $85.00

@ $85.00

@ $89.00
Civilian Shield Front Shirt in navy with yellow, 19th Century (1800s) Clothing Navy Blue Cotton with Yellow
Shield Front Shirt

@ $89.00

@ $89.00

@ $95.00

@ $95.00

@ $99.00
Civilian Shield Front Shirt in grey with black, 19th Century (1800s) Clothing Grey Cotton with Black
Shield Front Shirt

@ $89.00

@ $89.00

@ $95.00

@ $91.00

@ $99.00
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Ticking Shirts

  1. Check, by clicking, the box Selection Box for each item and size wanted.
  2. Update the quantity if you want more than 1.
  3. When done selecting any/all items, click the "Put these items in my cart!" button.
Item: Shirt size chart Small
Navy Ticking Material Civilian Navy Ticking Shirt with matching collar, 19th Century (1800s) ClothingNavy Ticking Shirt
Collar & Cuffs

@ $69.00

@ $69.00

@ $75.00

@ $75.00

@ $79.00

@ $85.00
Red Ticking Material Civilian Red Ticking Shirt with matching collar and cuffs, 19th Century (1800s) ClothingRed Ticking Shirt
Collar & Cuffs

@ $69.00

@ $69.00

@ $75.00

@ $75.00

@ $79.00

@ $85.00
Tan Ticking Material Civilian Tan Ticking Shirt with matching collar and cuffs, 19th Century (1800s) ClothingTan Ticking Shirt
Collar & Cuffs

@ $69.00

@ $69.00

@ $75.00

@ $75.00

@ $79.00

@ $85.00
Green Ticking MaterialCivilian Green Ticking Shirt with matching collar and cuffs, 19th Century (1800s) ClothingGreen Ticking Shirt
Collar & Cuffs

@ $69.00

@ $69.00

@ $75.00

@ $75.00

@ $79.00

@ $85.00
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Checkerpane Shirts

  1. Check, by clicking, the box Selection Box for each item and size wanted.
  2. Update the quantity if you want more than 1.
  3. When done selecting any/all items, click the "Put these items in my cart!" button.
Item: Shirt size chart Small
Navy Checkerpane Material Navy Checkerpane
@ $69.00

@ $69.00

@ $75.00

@ $75.00

@ $79.00

@ $85.00
Tan Checkerpane Material Tan Checkerpane
@ $69.00

@ $69.00

@ $75.00

@ $75.00

@ $79.00

@ $85.00
Green Checkerpane Material Green Checkerpane
@ $69.00

@ $69.00

@ $75.00

@ $75.00

@ $79.00

@ $85.00
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U.S. M1852 Grey Wool Flannel Overshirt

Item Last Updated: Friday, 15-Mar-2024 13:46:20 MST

U.S. M1852 Grey Wool Flannel Overshirt, American Civil War Men's Clothing
    This shirt has a stand and fall collar, drop shoulder sleeves and bone buttons. The M1874 Government Issue Shirt in Grey Wool Flannel (M1874 shirt is pictured) was only slightly modified from the M1852 shirt. The main difference the fact that the M1852 has drop shoulder sleeves, unlike what is shown.

    This REPRODUCTION Clothing item is Made in the USA. This a quality reproduction item made as close as is modernly possible. Sewing is done by machine to keep costs down (except where hand sewing is required) and most do not show externally. Some items offer hand sewing on exposed stitching (such as buttonholes) for an additional cost.

    Pictures of the item on this page are pictures of the item we sold. All pictures of items we sell are Copyrighted, either by us or our supplier of the item.

    This is not a costume that is made using modern construction or components that did not exist during the time of its original usage (IE: zippers, etc.). Beware of fakes, especially ones using images stolen from this site (Copyright Infringement).

These items are
Made in USA
Made in USA

    Custom made item, please allow 8 - 10 weeks for delivery. Custom Clothing and Uniforms are not returnable. Rush orders are available for an additional price. A rush order reduces the manufacturing time from 8 - 10 weeks to 4 - 5 weeks. The price on rush orders DOES NOT include faster shipping, for faster shipping use the shipping option on the "View Cart" page.

U.S. M1852 Grey Wool Flannel Overshirt (QM-1852)

U.S. M1852 Grey Wool Flannel Overshirt, American Civil War Men's Clothing
Priced From:
Size: Coat size chart
Comments (70 characters max)
Delivery Time:
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Men's Shirts (1870s through 1890s)

Item Last Updated: Friday, 15-Mar-2024 13:46:42 MST

Shirt, Helena - takes detachable collars
Frontier Classics logo
     Dodge City (stand-up collar shirt): 100% cotton poplin, inset bib, high-stand collar with silver collar stud, loop on back of collar. White Only. Small thru 3XL.

     Helena (detachable collar shirt): 100% cotton pull-over placket shirt with antique metal buttons. It has a band collar with a small button in the back to accept detachable collars. It also has a single front pocket. Colors: Royal Blue Print, Red Print, Brown Print and Solid White. If you order a collar for this shirt, order it 1/2" larger than the neck size of the shirt. Small thru 3XL.

    Jasper Shirt (banded collar shirt): 100% cotton. Color: Blue/White stripe. Sizes: Small thru 3XL.

    Virginia City (detachable collar shirt): This is the same shirt as the Helena, except the material has a different pattern of print. Colors: Black Print (Black with White stripe), Red Print (Red with Black stripe) or White Print (White with Black stripe). If you order a collar for this shirt, order it 1/2" larger than the neck size of the shirt. Sizes: Small to 3XL.

Men's Shirts by Frontier Classics (1870s - 1890s)

Shirt, Dodge City in White
Dodge City
Shirt, Helena in Royal Blue Print - takes detachable collars
Royal Blue Print
(Discontinued, Some left)
Shirt, Helena in Brown Print - takes detachable collars
Brown Print
(Discontinued, Some left)
Shirt, Helena in Red Print - takes detachable collars
Red Print
(Discontinued, NONE left)
Shirt, Helena in Solid White - takes detachable collars
White Solid
Shirt, Jasper in Blue and White Stripe - takes detachable collars
Blue/White Stripe
(Discontinued, Some left)
Shirt, San Antonio in White
Sam Antonio
White Solid
(Discontinued, NONE left)
Shirt, Virginia City in Black Print - takes detachable collars
Virginia City
Black Print
(Discontinued, Some left)
Shirt, Virginia City in Red Print - takes detachable collars
Virginia City
Red Print
(Discontinued, Some left)
Shirt, Virginaia City in White Print - takes detachable collars
Virginia City
White Print
(Discontinued, Some left)

Men's Shirt (1870s through 1890s)

(not all sizes and colors are stocked, if not in stock allow 2 to 4 weeks for delivery.)
Shirt, Helena - takes detachable collars
Priced From:
Style, Color & Size:
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Civil War Pleated Front Collared Dress Shirt

Item Last Updated: Friday, 15-Mar-2024 13:46:47 MST

Civilain Pleated Front Dress Shirt (Collar Up) in White, 19th Century (1800s) Men's Clothing
Civilain Pleated Front Dress Shirt (Collar Up) in White, 19th Century (1800s) Men's Clothing
    This is an 1860's period, drop shoulder dress shirt (shown) with gathered sleeves and cuffs. There are three (3) Mother of Pearl buttons on the front with one on each cuff. The collar is a stand and fall pattern (as shown) and is permanently attached to the shirt, though other period collar styles are available on special order. It is available in WHITE ONLY. This is a good for both Military Officer and Upscale Civilian images.

    This REPRODUCTION Clothing item is Made in the USA. This a quality reproduction item made as close as is modernly possible. Sewing is done by machine to keep costs down (except where hand sewing is required) and most do not show externally. Some items offer hand sewing on exposed stitching (such as buttonholes) for an additional cost.

    Pictures of the item on this page are pictures of the item we sold. All pictures of items we sell are Copyrighted, either by us or our supplier of the item.

    This is not a costume that is made using modern construction or components that did not exist during the time of its original usage (IE: zippers, etc.). Beware of fakes, especially ones using images stolen from this site (Copyright Infringement).

These items are
Made in USA
Made in USA

    White ONLY. We normally stock this shirt in all standard sizes.

1850-1870 Pleated Front Dress Shirt (QM-1710)

  1. Check, by clicking, the box Selection Box for each item and size wanted.
  2. Update the quantity if you want more than 1.
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Item: Shirt size chart Small
Civilain Pleated Front Dress Shirt (Collar Up) in White, 19th Century (1800s) Men's ClothingWhite Pleated Front
Dress Shirt
w/Stand & Fall Collar

@ $89.00

@ $89.00

@ $95.00

@ $95.00

@ $99.00

@ $105.00
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Period Linen, Cotton, Linene & Celluloid Detachable Collars

Item Last Updated: Friday, 15-Mar-2024 13:46:44 MST

Period Linen and Cotton Collars
    Very Short History: Detachable collars were invented in 1827 in Troy New York as a solution to "Ring-Around-the-Collar". Collars have been made of cotton, linen, paper and paper/cloth laminate. In 1862 (a time when detachable collars were the height of fashion, but paper collars were out of fashion) machinery was invented to laminate paper and cloth, a process previously done by hand. These laminated collars are referred to as "Linene" collars. Celluloid was patented in 1870 and was used for collars and cuffs shortly ?? thereafter. They were typical by the mid 1880s, if not before.

    White Starched Linen, Cotton, Linene or Celluloid collars for use with collarless / detachable collar shirts.

    "Linene": These are made the same way as they have been made since 1862. They are linen material laminated onto a stiff cardboard. They are very stiff and have material texture to them. The stud holes become soft and bent after a few time and they cannot be cleaned. They can be wiped off with a LIGHTLY damp sponge or cloth, but that usually doesn't do much.

    "Celluloid": This is an early form of plastic (1870s). They are very stiff, but they have MINIMUM MATERIAL TEXTURE to them, unlike the "Linene" or "Cotton". Each collar is fashioned from interlined acetate, a material made of white linen and a thin layer of acetate, giving the product the style of a fine cloth collar and the durability of a plastic one. A Buckley collar will never wilt under the heat of the stage lights or a difficult sermon. Other desired features include reinforced buttonholes, smooth, finished edges, and easy cleaning with soap and water. They will last longer than the "Linene", but not as long as the Cotton or Linen.

    "Linen": NOT CURRENTLY AVAILABLE. These are the Stiff, heavily starched, Thin collars that are most often seen in antique stores, museums, etc. The are made from a thin linen and then heavily starched and ironed, with a special machine, or machines) designed for this (it starches the inside of the collar and irons the collar to be curved and go around the neck). They can be cleaned, BUT only re-starched and properly ironed with the machine designed to starch and iron collars. They last longer that "Linene" or "Celluloid" collars, but not as long as the thicker cotton collars.

    "Cotton": These are made from a medium weight cotton material. They are basically a standard collar that has been made detachable, they ARE NOT a Starched (Stiff) Linen Collar. They come UN-STARCHED and are therefore SOFT ** NOT STIFF **. They can be worn as a soft detachable collar, especially for those who do not like stiff collars or they can be starched with spray starch (I suggest heavy duty spray starch) and ironed. If you can find powdered starch you could soak them and then iron them, making them similar to the old Starched Linen Collars except thicker. CAUTION, they do not bend well after they are Heavily Starched and should be ironed with the proper curve to go around the neck. To properly starch and iron a collar requires a special machine, which I have heard that only one place in the U.S. still has one in use. I DO NOT know who has the machine, don't ask if I find out I will put the information here. These collars can be washed either by hand or in a washing machine. They are the longest lasting of our detachable collars.

    STUDS / BUTTONS. Either Buttons or Studs can be used to attach the collar to the shirt.

     We normally stock all the collars shown in all the sizes listed below, except for " Special Order" ones.

     "More styles are in Development". Collar styles will be dated for time period as soon as we can.

     Size / Measuring: DO NOT ORDER BY MODERN SHIRT NECK SIZE. Measure the band on the shirt you will be wearing the collar with. The size in inches is measured from the end of one of the front button holes closest to the collar opening, around the collar to the end of the other front button hole closest to the opening. The Collar Size is normally 1/2" to 1 1/2" larger than the shirt Neck size (IE: Shirt Size = Neck-Size x Sleeve-Length).

Multi Item Purchase of Cotton Detachable Collars
Check the box for each item wanted and update the quantity. When done
selecting any/all items, click the "Put selected _____ in my cart!" button.
White Cotton (Un-Starched / Soft) - 1827 on
Picture & Description 15"
Stand Up
Stand-Up Cotton Collar
1850's on
Front 2 1/2" Rear 2 1/4"








Lay Down
Lay Down Cotton Collar
Front 2 1/8" Rear 1 3/4"


@ $7.50






Wing Tip
Wing Tip Cotton Collar

Front 2 1/2" Rear 2 3/8"








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Multi Item Purchase of Linene Detachable Collars
Check the box for each item wanted and update the quantity. When done
selecting any/all items, click the "Put selected _____ in my cart!" button.
"Linene" Paper-Cloth Laminate (Stiff with Cloth Texture), 1862 on
? Discontinued ? - what is currently in stock may be all that is left
The cart should only allow to order up to the quantity left in stock!
Picture & Description 14" 14.5" 15" 15.5" 16" 16.5" 17" 17.5" 18" 18.5" 19" 19.5" 20"
Stand Up
Stand-Up Linene Collar
1850's on
Front 2" Rear 1 3/8"




Wing Tip
High Wing Tip Linene Collar
"High Wing"
Front 2 1/4" Rear 1 7/8"






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Picture & Description 15" 15.5" 16" 16.5" 17" 17.5" 18" 18.5" 19" 19.5" 20"
Lay Down
Lay-Down Linene Collar, Perry
Front 2 1/4" Rear 1 1/2"


Not Available
Lay Down
Lay-Down Linene Collar, Vandyck
Front 1 1/2" Rear 1 3/4"
Not Available
Lay Down
Lay-Down Linene Collar, Waldorf
Front 3" Rear 1 3/4"

Not Available
Multi Item Purchase of Celluliod Detachable Collars
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selecting any/all items, click the "Put selected _____ in my cart!" button.
Celluloid (Stiff and Smooth) - Early 1870's on
Discontinued - what is currently in stock is all that is left
The cart should only allow to order up to the quantity left in stock!
Picture & Description 14" 14.5" 15" 15.5" 16" 16.5" 17" 17.5" 18" 18.5" 19" 19.5" 20"
Lay Down
Lay-Down Celluloid Collar, Short - Aberdeen
Front 1 1/2" Rear 1 1/4"

Sold Out



Lay Down
Lay-Down Celluloid Collar, Long - Clifton
Front 2" Rear 1 5/8"

Sold Out


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Picture & Description 14" 14.5" 15" 15.5" 16" 16.5" 17" 17.5" 18" 18.5" 19" 19.5" 20"
Lay Down
Lay-Down Celluloid Collar, Long - Pembroke
Front 2 1/8" Rear 1 1/4"
Sold Out

Wing Tip
Wing Tip Celluloid Collar, Westminster
Front 1 7/8" Rear 1 5/8"


Sold Out
Multi Item Purchase
Check the box for each item wanted and update the quantity. When done
selecting any/all items, click the "Put selected _____ in my cart!" button.
Collar Studs and Shirt Studs
Picture Description Qty & Price
Collar Studs, gold color Collar Stud
Round Top Brass, each
No longer
available, use
Bullet Top
Collar Studs, Bullet Top - gold color Collar Stud
Bullet Top Bass, each

@ $2.00 each
Shirt Studs, Flat Top - gold color Shirt or Collar Stud
Flat Top Brass, each

@ $2.00 each
Shirt or Collar Stud, Shoe-Back Nickel Silver with Black Top Shirt or Collar Stud
Shoe-Back Nickel Silver w/Black Top
7 1/2 MM, each

@ $2.00 each
Shirt or Collar Stud, Shoe-Back Nickel Silver with White Top Shirt or Collar Stud
Shoe-Back Nickel Silver w/White Top
7 1/2 MM, each

@ $2.00 each
Shirt or Collar Stud, Shoe-Back Nickel Silver with Smoke Top Shirt or Collar Stud
Shoe-Back Nickel Silver w/Smoke Top
7 1/2 MM, each

@ $2.00 each
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    All Officer Uniforms (Coats, Pants, Vests, Kepis and Forage Caps), all Indian War Uniforms (Coats,
Pants, Wool Shirts & Vests) and All Civilian Clothing (Coats, Pants & Vests) as well as Many Large and Tall size
items take 9 to 11 weeks for  delivery; UNLESS the item has a delivery time listed, then that is the delivery time.
Most other clothing (WHITE Cotton Shirts, Cravats, Suspenders, Felt Hats, etc.) take 2 - 4 weeks for delivery.
    For more information on ordering, see Order Information Page. Click Here.
    For Clothing and Uniform measurement chart: Click Here.

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