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USHist Main Categories / Departments (Sutler)

Periods (19th Century / 1800s): Federal Era, Jacksonian Era, Dickens, Manifest Destiny, Victorian, California Gold Rush, Mexican War, Antebellum, American Civil War, Old West, Gilded Age & Gay 90s

Clothing and Uniforms

Boys Clothing
Girls Clothing
Ladies Clothing
Ladies Dresses
Ladies Dresses (Antebellum)
Ladies Dresses (Civil War)
Ladies Bustle Dresses (1870s-80s)
Ladies Boots & Shoes
Mens Clothing
Mens Boots & Shoes
Men's Frock Coat
Men's Morning Coat
Men's Tails Coat
Victorian Men's Shirts & Collars
Hats (Ladies, Mens & Uniform)
American Civil War uniforms
Indian Wars Uniforms
Mexican War Uniforms
Old West Ladies Clothing
Old West Mens Clothing
Old West Ranch / Range wear
Spanish American War Uniforms
Clothing of CSA President Jeff Davis
Clothing of President Ave Lincoln
Uniforms of Gen. Robert E. Lee C.S.A.
Uniforms of Gen. JEB Stuart C.S.A.
Uniforms of Gen. Stonewall Jackson C.S.A.
Uniform of Gen. Joseph Eggleston Johnston C.S.A.
World War One / WWI US Uniforms


Reproductions, 19th Century
Reproductions, American Civil War
Barrels, Buckets & Kegs
Board Games
Childrens Toys & Parlor Games
Cooking & Eating & Utensils
Home and Office Decor
Indian Wars Accouterments
Musical Instruments
Mexican War Accouterments
Props (leather goods, personal items, etc)
Saddles and Tack
School House Supplies
Rifles, Pistols, Swords & Sabres
Writing Items (Calligraphy)

Other Things

Casting Director


Buffalo Soldiers
Cavalry & Dragoons
Civilian Reenactors
Reenactor Coordinators & Staff
Reenactors & Living History
Wild Wild West Movie
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