1800s Props
Victorian Lap
& Field Desks
Tinware Website of the Leavey Foundation for Historic Preservation, Inc. dba AzRA Historical Resources and AZRA

Victorian Era

Writing Sets (Calligraphy)

for: Jacksonian Era, Dickens, Mexican War, Antebellum,
American Civil War (Confederate / CS / CSA & Union / US / USA),
Golden Age, Gay 90s and Old West

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11/11/2020 NOTE: We are trying to get things restarted, but is taking time.
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A Computer Crash lost orders made prior to 2/10/2018.

   The writing sets, pencils, pens, ink, historical desks and desk accessories items listed below can be used by reenactors for living history or by museums and other institutions for history displays and other educational purposes. They are all fully functional.
Victorian Writing Items on this page and related pages
Pencils Pens Ink Ink Wells Writing Sets
Desk Sets & Accessories Lap Desks Field Desks Journals Paper

Pens and Pencils

Item Last Updated: Friday, 15-Mar-2024 13:47:00 MST

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Cedar Pencils Pencils These pencils are made from Cedar with no finish, as per original specimens.
School House Pencil & Ruler Ser School
Four cedar pencils (as shown above) and a 6" wooden ruler.

Quill Pens

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Goose Quill pen. Goose Feather This quill pen is cut from a goose feather. They are approximately 12" long feather with "nib" cut in the tip for writing with ink from ink bottles.
Turkey Quill pens. Turkey Feather This quill pen is cut from a turkey feather. They are approximately 12" long feather with "nib" cut in the tip for writing with ink from ink bottles.
Eagle Quill pen. Eagle Feather This quill pen is cut from a white turkey feather and tipped to imitate an eagle feather. They are approximately 12" long feather with "nib" cut in the tip for writing with ink from ink bottles.

Wood, Glass, Mother of Pearl and other Fancy Styluses

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Pulcinella's pen set Pulcinella's
Pen Set
    Gift box containing a hand blown glass stylus (green and white) with matching pen rest and ink (Indigo).

    Not documented as to periods for use.

San Marco glass stylus, set of 6 San Marcos
Glass Stylus
    Six (6) hand blown glass styluses (Black, Blue, Purple, Lt. Blue, Green, Amber).

    Not documented as to periods for use.

Madame De Pompadour ink box Madame
De Pompadour
Ink Box
    This writing set consists of a Louis XV style Limoges box, a hand blown glass stylus (black and grey) and ink (Indigo). It is dedicated to a woman who did more for France in her lifetime than her king.

    Not documented as to periods for use.

Other Fancy Pens
Other Fancy Pens
Mother of Pearl
and Other Fancy
    We do not offer these at this time, but they can be found in antique stores and the eBay online auction.

Pens, Pencils and Styluses

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Item Select Qty Price    Select Qty Item Price

Wood Pencils: Cedar, Each {HFT-1004-Ea}
$.71 Quill Pen, Goose: Each {CF-924} $2.95
Wood Pencils: Cedar,   5 Pack (.71 ea) {HFT-1004} $3.18 Quill Pen, Goose:   5 Pack ($2.65 ea) {CF-924x05)} $13.25
Wood Pencils: Cedar, 10 Pack (.60 ea) {HFT-1004x2} $6.00 Quill Pen, Goose: 10 Pack ($2.50 ea) {CF-924x10} $25.00
Wood Pencils: Cedar, 25 Pack (.54 ea) {HFT-1004x5} $13.50 Quill Pen, Goose: 25 Pack ($2.19 ea) {CF-924x25] $54.69
School Set, 4 pencils & 6'' Ruler {HFT-1006} $3.70 Quill Pen, Goose: 50 Pack ($1.88 ea) {CF-924x50} $93.75
Pulcinella's Pen Set {AM-MG052} Sold Out Quill Pen, Turkey {CF-923} Out of Stock
Madame De Pompadour Ink Box {AM-MG055} Sold Out Quill Pen, Eagle (Imitation) {CF-9x2} Out of Stock
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Ink (Powdered and Liquid)

Item Last Updated: Friday, 15-Mar-2024 13:46:58 MST

     Liquid Ink, Bordeaux: 2 ounce bottle.

     Liquid Ink, Scribe's Black: 2 ounce bottle.

     Liquid Ink, Turquoise: 2 ounce bottle.

     Liquid Ink, Sienna: 2 ounce bottle.

     4 Ink Set: Four wonderful colors. Choose the one to write that letter that will leave a lasting impression. Sienna for the classic mind. Turquoise for the adventurous. Bordeaux for the romantic and lovers of a good red wine. Verde for the gardener. Good sized bottles, good for years of writing. Comes complete with Venetian style glass pen in emerald green.

     Palette for Pens: 6 - ? ounce bottles of ink: Indigo, Auburn/Amber, Bordeaux, Sienna, Turquoise and Verde, plus two glass styluses (pens).

     Colorful Prose: 12 - .71 ounce bottles of ink: Starlit Sky, Rain Forest, Sea Water, Sunset Canyon, Author's Amber, Frantic Flamingo, Olive Branch, Pious Purple, Signal Flag, Lemon Grass, Burnt Sienna, Pitch Black.

     Powdered Ink: Coming very soon.

     More items and information coming soon.

Powdered Ink

Liquid Ink

Panther Powdered Ink
Panther Powdered Ink
Turquoise ink in a glass bottle.
Bordeaus ink in glass bottle.
Scribe's black ink in glass bottle
Scribe's Black
Sienna ink in a glass bottle
More Coming Palette for Pens. 6 bottles of ink with 2 with glass styluses.
Palette for Pens
4 Ink Set with glass stylus
4 Ink Set
More Coming More Coming Colorful Prose,12 Ink Set
Colorful Prose

 Liquid and Powdered Ink

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Item Select Qty Price

Liquid Ink, Turquoise {AM-MG050}
@ $8.50 each
Liquid Ink, Bordeaux {AM-MG051} @ $8.50 each
Liquid Ink, Scribe's Black {AM-MG061} @ $8.50 each
Liquid Ink, Sienna {AM-MG062} @ $8.50 each
Palette for Pens, 6 bottles of ink and 2 glass styluses {AM-MG085} @ $21.00 set
Liquid Ink, 4 bottle set with glass stylus {AM-MG033} @ $28.00 set
Colorful Prose, 12 bottle set {AM-MG084} @ $37.00 set
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Ink Wells and Bottles

Item Last Updated: Friday, 15-Mar-2024 13:46:58 MST

Porcelain Inkwell / ink well
     Information coming soon. Not documented as to periods for use.

Ink Wells and Bottles

Porcelain Inkwell / Ink Well
Frozen Crystal Inkwell
Frozen Crystal
The Royal Desk Inkwell
The Royal Desk
Meissen Inkwell / Ink Well Set
Ceramic Ink Well with Eagle
Ceramic Ink
Ceramic Ink Bottle with Eagle
Ceramic Ink
Item or Pictures coming
More coming
when available
Charles II Delft Inkwell
Charles II
Delft Inkwell

 Ink Wells and Bottles

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Porcelain 'Write' Inkwell
Ceramic Ink Well with Eagle Discontinued
Ceramic Ink Bottle with Eagle Discontinued
Frozen Crystal Inkwell {AM-MG160} $50.00
The Royal Desk Inkwell Discontinued
Meissen Inkwell Set Discontinued
Charles II Delft Inkwell {AM-MG079} $30.00
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Writing Sets

Item Last Updated: Friday, 15-Mar-2024 13:47:02 MST

     Not documented as to periods for use.

    Traveler's Writing Chest: Beautiful cherry veneered box contains a wood stylus, 3 nibs, a glass stylus and a bottle of ink.

    Acanthus Writing Box: Writing essentials including 2 bottles of ink, 2 wood stylus and nibs are held within an ivory writing box, soft and feminine, adorned with acanthus leaves. Support her love of the written word.

    Acanthus Writing Box, Large: Sophisticated, classic writing tools beautifully arranged in marble paper lined compartments. Seal wax paraphernalia and wax itself, all included to finish a creation in just the right measure of taste. All that in a wonderful hand painted and stenciled wood box, complete with brass hardware.

    The Ship Chandler's Box is filled with all the paraphernalia to write an impressive document, which in the end needs to be sealed and stamped in was. Brass melting spoon, three beautifully turned wood and brass seals, a miniature travel burner to melt the wax, red and silver sealing wax in pellets and bars. Glass and wood stylus, generous supply of various brass nibs and six assorted inks, in wonderful colors: Turquoise, Bordeaux, Sienna, Verde, Auburn and Indigo. All this in a handsome brass-bound wood box with lid and latches. Enjoy the power of the written word.

     Oxford Writing Box: Beautiful cherry veneered box. Contents include: marble paper blotter and two classic 1930s style celluloid fountain pens, two porcelain inkwells, ribbon-tied note cards with matching envelopes.

     Scribe's Treasure Writing Box: Beautiful cherry veneered box. Contents include: Six (6) Mini Ink Bottles, Two (2) Porcelain Ink Cups, One (1) Glass Stylus, One (1) Porcelain Deft Stylus, Two (2) Wood Styluses, Nine (9) Brass Nibs, Blotter with extra blotter paper, Three (3) Rose Handled Brass Seals (1 anchor, 1 fish and 1 fleur-de-lys), Three (3) Wax Bars, Burner, Wax Shavings and Melting Spoon.

Writing Sets

Traveler's Writing Chest
Writing Chest
Acanthus Writing Box
Writing Box
Acanthus Writing Box Large
Writing Box (Large)
Oxford Writing Box
Writing Box
Scribes Treasure Writing Set with Box
Ship Chandler's Box
Ship Chandler's

NEW Writing Sets

Trianon Travel Writing Set with Box
Trianon Letters Writing Set with Box
Windsor Prose Writing Set with Box
Writer's Palette Writing Set with Box
Feather Pen Set Writing Set with Box
Feather Pen
Windsor Travel Set with Box

Writing Sets

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Item Price Select Qty

Traveler's Writing Chest
Discontinued, replacement coming
Acanthus Writing Box {AM-MG130} $45.00 Out
Acanthus Writing Box (Large) {AM-MG132} $130.00/65.00
Ship Chandler's Box {AM-MG060} $90.00
Oxford Writing Box Discontinued
Scribe's Treasure Writing Set Discontinued
Trianon Travel {AM-MG131} $70.00
Trianon Letters {AM-MG059} $113.00
Windsor Prose {AM-MG029} $53.00
Writer's Palette {AM-MG056} $55.00
Feather Pen Set {AM-MG118} $17.00 Out
Windsor Travel Discontinued
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Desks, Accessories

Item Last Updated: Friday, 15-Mar-2024 13:46:57 MST

Desk Set, the Squires. Desk Accessories
     Information coming soon. Not documented as to periods for use.

Desk Accessories

Desk Set, the Squires. Desk Accessories
The Squires
Desk Set
Final Touch
Final Touch
Blotter Set
Item or Pictures coming
Style C
Item or Pictures coming
Style D

Desk Accessories

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Item Price Select Qty
The Squires Desk Set {AM-MG044} Not Available
Final Touch Blotter Set Not Available
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Other non-clothing items

Listed in Props Department

Belts:  Civilian,   Mexican War,   Civil War US/CS,   Indian Wars,   Spanish American War,  
Cartridge Boxes,   Holsters,   Other,
Musical Instruments,   View Cameras,
Combs & Brushes,   Watches & Watch Chains,   Gloves & Gauntlets,   Matches,   Pipes,   Coffee Packages
Toys &
Children's Games,   Dice,   Dolls,   Playing Cards,   Poker Chips
Desks (Lap & Field), Desk Accessories,   Pens, Pencils, Ink, Ink Wells, Writing Sets,   Paper & Journals

Listed in Set Dressing Department

Barrels, Boxes, Crates, Jugs, Etc,   Buckets,   Cups, Plates, Etc,   Lanterns,   Tents
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Welcome to the
Leavey Foundation for Historic Preservation, Inc.
Web Site:
d.b.a.: AzRA Re-Enactors Association / AZRA
Contact Information

    Our forte is the 19th Century (1800s) United States History covering the period 1820-1920. Including: Victorian, Edwardian, Mexican War, American Civil War (Confederate / CS / CSA and Union / US / USA), Indian Wars, Old West & Spanish-American (Span-Am) War. We are involved in both historic preservation and education.

    We hope teachers, students, historians & researchers will find these pages useful, as well as reenactors & production companies.